Kyle Wade
600,000+ visits / month
A comprehensive archive of Miiverse, a social media platform for the Nintendo Wii U and 3DS which ran from November 18, 2012 until November 8, 2017. This archive stores millions of archived Miiverse users, posts, drawings, comments, and more, totaling over 17TB of data.
osu! capital
11,000+ users
A stock market where traders invest paper currency into osu! player stocks. Everyone starts off with 10,000 coins, and traders rank up by making good bets on who they think is underrated. When a player's osu! performance goes up, so does their stock price.
2,000+ users
A social networking app which scrapes data across Instagram, Facebook, and Discord and parses them into events for students to join, which are recommended based on their interests. Launched at 5 universities.
Mario Kart Central
32,000+ users
The central hub for the competitive Mario Kart community, which hosts thousands of online tournaments for Mario Kart Wii, Mario Kart Tour, and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
Once Human Market
40,000+ total views
An online marketplace for trading items in the video game, Once Human.
HKN Portal
1,000+ members
A portal for managing and organizing HKN events and member activities at UC San Diego.
QHacks 2022 3rd Place Winner
A machine learning architecture that takes in environmental sensor data and predicts forest fire risk displayed as a heatmap for first responders.
Audio Synthesizer
An audio synthesizer displaying visualizations of wave amplification and attenuation while showing Fourier Transform component representation.